You may or may not know about a website called silkroad, which was open to selling many illicit products from guns to drugs, but it was shut down by the government recently. On the street when a drug spot gets shut down the drugs and sellers don’t just go away, they set up shop somewhere else.

Tat Wza

And just like the street, those whom are doing illegal actions move with opportunity. So with Silk Road down, besides another site in it’s place, dealers have moved to Instagram. But with this move comes even more attention since IG is not the place for that! Organizations like BBC and sites like Noisy are bringing major attention to the situation. Now IG is doing it’s best to stop it, blocking keywords, and asking people to flag them if they see them:

“We encourage people who come across illegal or inappropriate content to report it to us using the built-in reporting tools next to every photo, video or comments, so we can take action.”

“People can’t buy things on Instagram, we are simply a place where people share photos and videos.”

Now although they are trying there best, there is still a lot of illicit activity going on, as Noisy has pointed out, Which you can See in the gallery Above

Sorry for the helping of Dry snitching, I’m a different person since My Son is getting older!!!