wedding bells for charles manson

Serial killer, Charles Manson, is doing a life sentence at Corcoran Prison in California for the murders of Sharon Tate and The LaBiancos. After 44 years of incarceration, Manson is rumored to be getting married to his 25 year old girlfriend, ‘Star’. In an interview with Rolling Stones Magazine, Star claims that she is the next to marry the 79 year old psycho, who recently admitted to his bisexuality and forcing himself onto other prisoners. WTF? To read more, click below.

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This is a sick twisted world but I guess the saying, “there is someone for everyone”, holds true in this case. Star met Manson while he was behind bars and began visiting him as a teenager. His girlfriend, who is from Missouri, even carved an ‘X’ into her forehead as homage to Manson’s swastika. They’ve been together since she was 19 years old. Unfortunately for Star, Charles denies the claim of marriage and stated:

“That’s a bunch of garbage. You know that, man. That’s trash. We’re just playing that for public consumption.”

Yikes! Could there be trouble in paradise? *side eye* Shout outs to Charlie for living that creep life!