Ummmm, so I guess cause Pac has kinda been in the news a bit as of late, and whomever runs the covert ‘company'(if you ever watched a spy movie, you know ‘the company is what’s its referred to) has a bit of a sense of humor, I mean they’ve only been up a little over a month and have 670K followers, they seem to be entertaining people.

Tat Wza

If they are making light of being the CIA and suggesting without suggesting(that spy sh*t) they know where Tupac is, it’s kinda in bad taste since so many people believe Tupac is alive. They seem to be using this hashtag #Twitterversary to act like they are saying things to cause ‘controversy’ on twitter, but are usually kinda joking around. What they don’t realize this time is the ‘controversy’ is really ‘conspiracy’, That Tweet got news coverage and over 89k RT’s, and 49K favorites in 9hrs(time of this post).

They do tweet about other things, like CIA director John Brennan speaking at Georgetown University;

“I joined…the CIA in 1980. I believed in its mission then, and I believe even more strongly in it today”


“CIA is…a learning organization, one that makes a deliberate effort to learn from the past, adapt to the times, and refine its methods”

They also shared a pic of George Bush Sr. from when he was in the CIA(Badge Photo), which that and the Tupac tweet is in the gallery above!

Now if Pac turns up alive, They some sneaky f***s