IFWT_girl-coding from FREE computer
CodeStarter Gives Kids Computers, When there is a charity that give you 2 for 1, it’s rater easy to make a choice, but just in case, I have multiple choices for you!! Tis the season, a lot of people are giving to charity this time of the year, and of course some of them are truly worth it, or people are already locked into where they give, but let me ask you a question, are you good with the government letting companies charge you more for what you’re use to??? Or Telling you what you can and can’t see on the internet???

Tat Wza

CodeStarter Gives Kids Computers: FREE Computers, and Net Neutrality! The Real win is codestarter is about getting future tech giants up and running, meaning giving the kids computers so their budding little minds sponge up technology!!! Oh did I mention the other bonus?? What you donate to codestarter, another organization named ChoreMonster will match your donation!!! Tell me that’s not a good deal, CodeStarter Gives Kids Computers, makes the Net Free for all and you get your donation double!!!

Click HERE To Donate To CodeStarter!

Just in case you’re somehow not feeling this spectacular charity, there are others for Tech that you can be involved with, Click WebDev below