
The numbers are in from the breathalyzer company BACtrack and they come revealing some very interesting drinking information. Will summer rooftop drinking days beat cozy winter indoor drinking days? Read on to find out what data has to say, during which season do people get the most drunk… also they reveal the most alcoholic addicted capitals in America.

Laura Rodriguez
Instagram: @P_E_A_C_H_Y_

Winter is the drunkest season of all! BACtrack determined the following dates to be the days when people get drunk the most from the blood alcohol content data:

January 18th
January 19th
January 25th
February 1st
February 2nd (Super Bowl Sunday)
February 15th
March 7th
March 8th
March 14th
March 15th
May 3rd
December 6th
December 7th
December 31st

Looks just about right..
The data also revealed which cities in the United States have the highest blood alcohol content and they are:
Waltham, MA
Jersey City, NJ
Champlin, MN
New Orleans,LA
Greenville, SC

Surprised, I know I am but this cities are liquor capitols.

Source: Thrillist.com