FBI Arrest NJ Police for Police Brutality

Domenico Lillo is one of NJ Police Arrested by FBI in Connection to Police Brutality Case regarding an outstanding warrant, home invasion and beating of handcuffed Brandon Walsh in 2013.

NJ Police Arrested by FBI in Connection to Police Brutality Case stemming from the night officers “stormed” into Walsh’s house, allegedly pepper spraying him and his mother. Despite the warrant Walsh still refused to leave the house and did a noted amount of resisting, including trying to slam the door in their faces reports say. After police grabbed him by the shirt, Walsh hit one of the officers in the “side of the face and top of the head” before being handcuffed and taken to the police car. (Feeling bold that day!)

That’s when things turned up a bad couple of notches and lead to NJ Police Arrested by FBI in Connection to Police Brutality Case:

According to the lawsuit, before putting Walsh in the car, Lillo retrieved a “flashlight or other blunt instrument” from his police duty belt and struck him in the face “numerous times” with the object, causing “permanent injury and disfigurement.” While Walsh, who was still in handcuffs, was struck repeatedly in the face, the other two officers “stood by and did nothing,” the lawsuit stated.

Yikes…Walsh “suffered permanent scarring and lost almost all of his front teeth as a result of being hit in the face” (daaaamn). NJ Police Arrested by FBI in Connection to Police Brutality Case but the feds are making no comments on the arrests or case so far. Officer Lillo was also among a group of Bayonne officers charged in a brutality settlement for $100,000 in 2011. It’s reported he lied on the initial reports of the Walsh beating. (SMH)

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