
If you live in New York City or have ever visited you’ve probably noticed the confusing street signs. Usually 5-6 little signs crammed on a little post. Of course this being you are even lucky enough to even find parking in the first place. Well there are new signes going up, and the Pussy Division has something to say about it!

Normal street signs usually read something like..

“2 Hour Parking 9AM-4PM
No Parking Thursday 12PM-2PM
No Standing or Parking Monday-Friday
Between 7AM-9AM & 4PM-6PM

But here comes “No Cat Calling Zone”

No, it’s not a typo. You read that right.  It reads “No Cat Calling Zone”. So who is responsible for this ?

Alan Martofel a a non-profit clothing line based in Philly which promotes woman’s rights on apparel and Pussy Division a feminist activist group. Pussy Division and Alan Martofel have joined together to place these street signs through out all the NYC boroughs. Well at least that’s the goal. Because sadly people need a reminder that harassing a stranger on the street is not cool. Just kinda creepy and it probably wont get you a date.

Stop Street Harassment Studies show that out of “811 woman surveyed, 99% said that at some time they have experienced street harassment including leering,honking,whistling,sexist comments,sexually explicit comments and kissing noises.”

Part 2 of there study also revealed that over 60% have been followed,over 40% of womens walking path’s have been blocked,about 50% have been grabbed, around 30% have been target of public masturbation and 20% have been assaulted.

Unfortunately DOT (Department of Transportation) told ANIMALNEWYORK in a comment from there spokesperson stating that “while we understand the concept of this campaign, these signs were placed without permission. DOT has not received any formal complaint about them but we are proceeding with their removal as we are made aware of the location (s) and/or come across them.”

Watch this uncomfortable video of man speaking about cat calling


Written by: Daniela Franco Danielaax3

Source: animalnewyork