
Republican house Speaker, John Boehner, declared the relationship between police and minorities a national crisis.


Boehner scratched his head and didn’t understand the activities that persisted in this year. In his latest interview with NBC’s “Meet The Press” he confirmed that he did believe that their is a dysfunction beaten African-Americans and the police. In the recent riots and chaos in Baltimore,we as an audience could understand that civilians have had enough of this type of oppression.

Boehner added that public servants like police should not violate the law. In recent events, police get a way with pretty much anything because of their title. Police officer’s are supposed to protect civilians but in recent occurrences civilians began to fear police.

Boehner implied that he would use federal money to ensure that police are covered with body camera’s. He also stated:

“We have alot of police grants that already have on the books that can be used for this. So , why not.”

In the recent tension between civilians and police at least a few people are standing up for the masses. There has been a constant crisis between minorities and police. Having body cameras will allow officials to properly judge someone in the wrong. As a result, some police will not be able to get away with killing people.