
According to a new audit released Wednesday May 6, 2015, the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) refused to remove employees that cheated on their taxes. In fact, some employees were even promote after these discoveries.

The Treasury Inspector J. Russell George said Wednesday, ” given its crucial role in Federal tax administration, the IRS must ensure that its employees comply with the tax law in order to maintain the public’s confidence. Willful violation of the law by IRS employees should not be taken lightly, and the IRS Commissioner should fully document decisions made to retain employees when management has proposed to be terminated”. These government derelicts should be accountable but instead are able to remain in their positions without severe consequences. IRS employees should not be cheating on taxes and keep jobs.


During 2004-2013, the IRS identified close to 130,000 potential tax violator cases. Out of 13,000 cases, 1580 were considered intention cheaters. But in 60% of the 1580, the managers refused to terminate employees. Also, 108 received no punishment. Mr. George also found that from a 364 sample of intentional cheaters kept their jobs and found that 108 received raises or promotions within a year of being found to be at fault.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen defended against what was found by J. Russel George saying, “they’re not bonuses. They are performance awards. Over 40.45% percent of employees don’t get them. You only get them if you perform”. The Commissioner even argues that company morale has been destroyed by budget cuts and has begged Congress to provide more funds to hire staff. Mr. Koskinen insists situations are improving at the IRS. A full report will be released at the end of May further describing how IRS employees cheat tax on their taxes and keep jobs.