
A Kenyan lawyer offers Obama goats to marry his 16 year old daughter,Malia. So, what is the exact bidding price for the presidents daughter according to this man ? 50 cows, 70 sheep and 30 goats, sounds just about right.

The brave lawyer offering goats to marry Malia states “I first got interested in her in 2008.”Around this time Malia was only 10 years old.

He continues telling The Nairobian newspaper that “as a matter of fact, I haven’t dated anyone since and promise to be faithful to her.I have shared this with my family and they are willing to help me raise the bride price.”

Kiprono is hoping Obama brings Malia along to Kenya in July for Obama’s first presidential trip to the country.During this time the lawyer hopes to ask Obama for Malia’s hand in marriage.

If you’re wondering what the proposal may be like, no worries he has that down packed too.

“I will propose to her on a popular hill in Bureti near my father’s land where leaders and warriors are usually crowned. The place is called Kapkatet.”

He continues to explain “ours will be the simple life.I will teach Malia how to milk a cow, cook ugali and prepare mursik like any other Kalenjin woman.”

Obama has not yet commented. Plus not too sure how well Malia would take ‘the simple life’ since the teenager pretty much grew up in The White House.

Written By:Daniela Franco
Source: Yahoo News