IFWT_hillary clinton

Painting a picture of a more inclusive, progressive America tackling various issues, Hillary Rodham Clinton stood in front of New Yorkers at an outdoor stage on Roosevelt Island. And stated she is the champion the country needs, as well as helm the historical highlight of becoming the nation’s first woman commander-in-chief.

The U.S. Presidential hopeful began melding her personal past and background advocating for women and children. And, while initiating the topic of policy reform creating a more fair environment, Hillary Clinton called for a new era of shared prosperity and says workers can trust her to fight for them. But gave a light accentuation on specific topics; basically just enumerating several of them.
Some of her quotes included:

“It’s your time.”

“It’s America’s basic bargain: if you do your part, you ought to be able to get ahead,” Clinton said.

“Democracy can’t be just for billionaires and corporations. Prosperity and democracy are part of your basic bargain too,” she added later. “…I’m not running for some Americans, but for all Americans.”

“…You brought our country back. Now it’s time — your time — to secure our gains and move ahead.”


She virtually described her lifetime of work on behalf of struggling families and cited her mother’s difficult childhood as a source of her inspiration. But, Clinton did not offer specific policy proposals in her speech. Aides said that would be introduced in the following weeks including issues on the economy, jobs and college affordability.

So for those expecting Hillary Clinton to address police brutality, income inequality, race, or policy reform, which have been significant issues facing many New York residents, maybe another time, New Yorkers.
It’s noted though, Clinton will give speeches and hold a series of events through the summer and early fall that address specific policy matters, offered one of her aides.

Former President Bill Clinton and daughter, Chelsea, made appearances.