
These days , when tragedies occur we often wonder if we are being distracted from something even bigger. Rumors were when the coming out of Caitlyn occurred , or the argument over the color of a dress were really just a way to distract the nation from more positive and relevant things. So despite the recent terror in South Carolina which is obviously a racial act of violence, we have learned that there is in fact a holiday that we should all be remembering , the end of slavery for all , also known as JuneTeenth

You might have heard on Ebro In The Morning , about the freedom holiday that not a lot of us are educated about. What the world should have been able to proudly celebrate this week is the 150th Anniversary of JuneTeenth. The end of all slavery actually came about after The Emancipation Proclamation in January 1863. Taking full advantage of any slaves who were not aware of the changes, they tried to keep slavery going for as long as they could. 2 years later in 1865 someone made it known it Texas, and made sure not one person was left enslaved.

250,000 remaining slaves were able to finally feel the empowerment and relief of Freedom on June 19, 1865. The day is now recognized in Texas as an independence day. The joyous story spread to other states and is now known world wide. It is imperative to continue to teach younger generations about every inch of independence and recognize a holiday that reflects equality and positive changes in our nation.

The Dutchess