According to rapper J.Cole “good cops” are a myth. Recently, Cole sat down with The Combat Jack Show and broke down his feelings on police brutality in America. Hit the jump to see what he had to say.

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J.Cole has never been one to keep his feelings to himself about sensitive issues that may come up in the hip hop industry or in America. While the rapper agrees that good people can be apart of the police force, he says because of the nature of the job, the term “good cop” is an oxymoron.

“Because the job ain’t good,”…”The machine — they all part of a machine that’s not good. They are agents of a machine…Are there good people in those roles? Absolutely. Great people — who really thought they were joining to make a difference and make a change — but now currently find themselves fucking up people’s days.”

Check out the clip below. Sound off in the comments with your thoughts.

Source WSHH