
Someone had to do it! It just so happened to be Ann Coulter who was a guest today on The View. Now remember not many people are Ann Coulter fans! Especially after she released her book Adios America, which talks about how immigrants take advantage of America’s generosity. Raven Symone caught herself trying to question Ann’s subtle racism forgetting her racist words from just last week. Watch Raven put her foot in her mouth.

Ann Coulter gets a lot of slack because she lets the world know how much she loves and agree’s with Donald Trump. She tries to make it clear that unlike Raven she bases her views not from a racist point of view but from Government guidelines and policies.

“Why do you think that’s important to mud-sling and have these words that obviously touches the hearts and souls of so many people in America?,” Symone asked.
“I’m at least talking about policy, you have a position on what people’s names should be. Watermelondrea,” Coulter shot back. “I’m talking about a government policy that affects all Americans and immigrants and the people living here, and is harming our country.”

Looks like Raven got shut down! Although she took the time out of her life to apologize to the world I don’t believe too many people accepted that apology. As much as we beg to differ with many views set from Ann Coulter we all had to laugh today when she mad Raven Shut up for once!.