Rick Perry and Donald Trump have had history on a mutual understanding that they do not like each other nor respect one another. Well, apparently tables have turned and Rick Perry supports Donald Trump one hundred and ten percent. Talk about political phoniness.

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Almost a year ago, Rick Perry and Donald Trump were in a media dispute over who can run our nation (The United States of America) better. This dispute ended in Perry insulting Trump’s intelligence and Trump coming at Perry’s leadership skills, not the best exchange of words we would like to demonstrate to the public from individuals who are seeking to run the free world. Apparently tables have turned, and Perry now refers to Trump as ‘the best candidate for the position’…talk about a switch up.

Rick Perry, who was known to be a supporter of Ted Cruz, which fell apart after Ted Cruz dropped out of the race, has switched sides to reunite with his one-time nemesis in order to defeat Hilary Clinton.

Rick Perry’s name continues to reappear as a possible third party candidate, but claims that is not to a logical action he should commit to. However, when questioned if Perry will be Trump’s running mate he answered, “I am going to be open in any way I can help, I am not going to say no.”