(18+*Photos) iOS, Android, And Now Google Glass Have ‘Adult’ Apps?!

Adult Apps seem to be on the Rise, But at a user’s peril, since some of them come with Malware. Especially since all adult apps are 3rd party, meaning NOT in the Apple App store, OR Google Play. But yet some ‘Adults’ are curious about them, so we looked at a couple.

Messaging Apps Are Now More Popular Than SMS

Smartphone messaging apps like iMessage and WhatsApp are growing more popular than the regular SMS texting, according to a new study. Last year 19.1 billion messages were sent and received each day over Blackberry Messenger, iMessage, WhatsApp, and Nimbuzz.

SendHub Now Availble For Andriod Phones

After about a year of initially rolling out for Apple IOS, SendHub is now available for Android phones in the Google Play Store. SendHub allows users to get a free business phone number that’s Ad free. The company said the demand for Android support was high, it was averaging around 30 requests per day from people wanting the Android version.

Pre-Release Leaks Of Facebook Home!!!

A pre-released version of Facebook Home made its way to a http://www.modaco.com/page/news/_/android/facebook-home-pre-release-leaks-r1028, who came across some APKs. Facebook Home is scheduled to hit Android phones on Friday. The leaked APKs are a stripped down version of the HTC ROM and the site, MoDaCo said it was buggy and not fully functional.

Can The NEW Mobile Firefox OS Take On iOS & Android With THESE Phones?!?!

Firefox OS finally got shown on a couple of smartphones. It feels like they will have to start off on some less than great ones, The ZTE Open & the Alcatel One Touch Fire will release later this year in emerging markets such as Brazil & Serbia, but won’t come to the US anytime soon, if at all. Mozilla has gone on to say we’ll see update phones in America in 2014(after some sort of success). Check out more information in the link after the jump.

Look At The Impact Drinking Will Have On Your Face, LITERALLY!!! Try It Out!

Android has a brand new app, and guess what it does? You can literally see what drinking will do to your face in the future, try and check it out after the jump. AliTheGreatest

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