Marijuana Has No Effect On Brain Tissue!

I bet a lot of people will be happy to know this.  According to a study on teen brains the use of marijuana over an 18 month period did not show any changes to brain tissue.  Some may hate this following part, regular alcohol consumption over this period of time did show some changes in the brain.  Once again alcohol proves to be worse than weed, yet it’s stigma remains the same.  Although the findings did not clearly show whether the changes and growing white matter in the brain were permanent. Steph B

Study Found Possible Reason For Einstein’s Brilliance

Dean Falk an evolutionary anthropologist at Florida State University performed a study on Einstein’s brain, in which they discovered that while his brain is the proper shape and size, he had an unusual complexity in the convulutions of various parts of his brain. Hit the Jump for more. PaulDaPro

Is This The Reason Albert Einstein Was A Genius???

A new study comparing Albert Einstein’s brain and a  regular human brain suggests that the reason he was a genius was due to an unusual brain size.  Scientists discovered that several cortices of the brain were overly developed and might have been the reason his mathematical skills were so advanced. Hit the jump Steph B

(Photo) This Is Crazy!! How Smart Is Your Right Foot? You Have GOT To Try This..

This photo has been all over the internet today – you’ve got to try it. Find out how smart your right foot is. Biz Baby

Meet The Woman Who Changed Her Brain

Meet Barbara Arrowsmith, the woman who changed her brain after being diagnosed with severe learning disabilities for 26 years. Arrowsmith has opened a school in Toronto to help and teach children who suffer a range of severe and unusual learning disabilities. Read more below. Minosoar

Studies Show That People Who Are Less Interested In Eating Are More Interested In Taking Cocaine!

Studies have shown that people that are not that interested in eating are more interested in taking drugs like cocaine. Isn’t that a weird finding? Apparently the desire to eat in our brain is linked to also not wanting to do drugs! Hit the jump for details. Steph Bassanini

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