New Era x Crooks & Castles 2 New Styles

New Era x Crooks & Castles Purple & Gold and the Royal Blue & Red l59 Fifty fitted cap. After the Jump you can the see the Royal Blue & Red style.. Def 2 tough colors for both fitteds released by Crooks & Castles. Cop your own at @DjJuanyto

(Video) Nike x RUN Fwd:

Nike is promoting the new running movement forward by instigating events that promote running culture. The RUN Fwd: campaign. It is based on ekiden, a Japanese term for an event involving long distance relay with multiple runners. However this is not a real relay as such but a virtual one, where teams can be formed around the world. Each team member will need to run at least 3 km using Nike+ in order to pass the relay onto the next runner. It is a competition to see who can make the longest continuous distance with the most amount of runners by the midnight of Monday, February 28th. If you are up for the challenge, then strap on your runners and join in the race. @DjJuanyto

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