At Least 40 Shot and 4 Killed In Chicago This Weekend Alone!

This is really just tragic. Gun violence in Chicago is really getting out of hand this summer. On top of the 82 who were shot and 14 who were killed during 4th of July weekend this year, another 40 people were shot, killing 4, this weekend alone. Find out more after the jump.

Unknown Male And Female Open Fire At Police In Las Vegas, Killing 3

Two shooters, one male and one female, went on a shooting rampage in a Vegas restaurant this morning. According to Metropolitan Police spokeswoman Laura Meltzer, the gunmen opened fire at Cici’s Pizza around 11:30 a.m. killing two officers in the midst of their lunch. Find out where else the two brought their shooting spree after the jump!

NFL: Uh-Oh, Aaron Hernandez Seen In Video at Same Club with Victims of 2012 Killings

Things haven’t been looking good for former Patriot Aaron Hernandez as it is, but now it may have just gotten worse.  We knew he could be linked to these 2012 killings, but now there’s evidence that he was at a club in Boston at the same time of two men that were later found dead from gunshot wounds.  Details after the jump…

NYC Killings Lower 18.5% In 2012!

It seems as though lately there has been an outpouring of shootings and killings, but surprisingly, in NYC, murders have lowered 18.5% in 2012. This is great to hear, especially since NYC has been known for being very dangerous. Click below for full details. Melissa Nash

Do We Have Another George Zimmerman On Our Hands ???

This sounds all too familiar. Florida man, Michael Dunn got into a confrontation with Jordan who was 17 years old, because he was in a car with three other friends and his music was loud. Dunn says that he THOUGHT Davis had a shotgun, and the other passengers in the car threatened him. The big questions is, how are they going to enforce the ‘Stand Your Ground Law’ in Florida. A law that allows you to protect yourself when you fell threatened, but this is just an excuse for a guy like Dunn. The family of Davis doesn’t want to make this about Dunn, but who Jordan was and make him the focus for justice. I hope they get it. Justice for Jordan. Drop down bottom for more. JaaiR (JR)

Nigerian Soliders Kill Two Radical Sect Leaders

At a Nigerian car checkpoint, soldiers have killed two ranking members of a radical Islamist sect responsible for hundreds of killings. The shooting occurred with one of the leaders’ wife and children inside. The wife and children are in military custody. Click below to read more. Jason J.

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