WHAT .. Another Internet STRIKE ! #RestoreTheFourth

Reddit, Mozilla, WordPress, as well as other big websites are protesting against the National Security Agency tomorrow (July 4th) over secret programs that they just found out about last month. Hit the jump for the full story..

He’s Going Down…Edward Snowden’s Recent Leak Says The U.S. Is Spying On ALLIES!

One of the most popular current event is EDWARD SNOWDEN! The former technical contractor worked for the National Security Agency (NSA) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), but since he’s leaked top-secret information to the press, Snowden has been somewhat on the run. There are new leaks that suggests, America using ‘bugs’ to spy on some of its closet allies. Of course, even our “friends” are not excused from the asinine tactics of the U.S. government. Hit the jump for more details.

Uh Oh!! European Officials Slams U.S Over Bugging Report!!

Senior European officials expressed concern Sunday at reports that U.S. intelligence agents bugged EU offices on both sides of the Atlantic, with some leftist lawmakers calling for concrete sanctions against Washington. Hit the jump for more details.

Hackers Are At It Again… This Time They Are Targeting Who?!?!?

A document surfaced the other day that said the NSA told Verizon to folk over all the phone records of millions of customers. Now more documents have leaked from the NSA and Hacker group, Anonymous is taking credit.

WTF?! Who Wants The Phone Records Of Millions Of Verizon Customers?!?!

A top secret court order was released today showing how Verizon Wireless had to hand over all phone records of its customers. According to sources the National Security Agency has been collecting the information from Verizon since April.

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