Tech Talk News: How Much Does Your Smartphone Really Cost?

Interesting article I came across. As a sneakerhead it’s crazy when you think about the actual cost to make a pair of Jordans to how much we pay for them. What about your smartphone? How much do you think it costs to make that smart phone compared to the retail price for it? Hit the jump to see the cost of some popular devices. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Poll: Which Of The 4 Carriers Would You Like iPhone 5 On????

 The iPhone 5 Is Rumored to pretty much see every Carrier, But that makes the choice twice, if not 4 times as hard. Each Carrier has it’s own reason for you to be there, AT&T & Tmobile have GSM that allows you to be on the WEB and the Phone at the same time, Verizon and Sprint have CDMA, although you can only do one thing at a time, they somewhat more dependable service. Right Now Verizon has most expensive plans, and Tmobile Cheapest, But Sprint has the Best Package, and AT&T is the original iPhone carrier so people feel obligated to use it, BUT what is your Choice??? The Poll will tell!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Poll: Would You Take Any Android Phone Over The iPhone 5???

I’m really curious with All the Android Devices dropping, and Android as a whole with different Manufacturer’s outselling Apple’s iPhone to date, but with all the Hype around iPhone 5(and it’s just about a month away), and the rumor’s of it opening up to Sprint, and possibly Tmobile, will Apple overtake the Android storm??? Well only time will really tell, but I want to know what you guys think, Any Android, OR iPhone 5??? Take the Poll!!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Price: The Breakdown Of An iPhone 5!!!

Financial Giant did an imaginary Parts Breakdown of what the iPhone Costs to build, in comparison to what we pay for it, You will not believe the Head beat!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Device: Tmobile Claims LG Gslate Is Faster Than iPad & Xoom!!!

 As reported by BGR, Tmobile is claiming they have THE Fastest Tablet available, and seemingly cheaper too! Tmobile says it’s coducted an independent study putting thr LG Gslate against the iPad and the Motorola Xoom ”The testing was conducted in two cities – New York and Seattle – across 30 locations and at least five repetitions with each device per location per market. The total sample size was 300 tests encompassing at least 70 percent of a market.” See The Full details after the Jump! Tat WZA

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