(Photo) Most Disgusting Thing On An Escalator Ever!!!

This is a lot like the ‘Most Disgusting Thing In A Party Ever‘ But in Public! Hit the Jump. +TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Google+ Gains Nearly 10 Million Users In First 2 Days

A Google+ post by Paul Allen, founder of ancestry.com and a self-proclaimed “unofficial Google+ statistician, shows significant growth of Google’s social network since opening to the public. These growth rates were only first seen during the first few weeks of field testing when the user numbers were very low. In terms of the current growth spurt Allen states: @TatWZA @Yungjohnnybravo

Man Arrested For Having Sex With An Inflatable Pool!!!

I guess his hand was not good enough. An Ohio man felt like a pool would make a suitable sex partner. Check out this wacky sex in public situation after the jump. @ShottaDru

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