Chocolate Linked To Reducing The Chance Of Stroke In Men

A new study shows that men have more of a reason to eat chocolate than women do. Chocolate has been linked to reducing the risk of strokes in men, according to the Swedish study. After asking men, ages 49 to 75, to record what they ate, the study showed that a moderate consumption of chocolate weekly was good for a man’s health. Read more below. Julie A.

Don’t Pet The Pigs

Honestly, who’s really out here petting pigs? If you are then you’re definitely living life dangerously and you need to chill because there is a new swine flu spreading around. So you might want to hold off on the petting, bacon and steak for a while. Read more below. Minosoar

Breast Cancer Survivors May Face Heart Failure Too!

As if fighting one battle wasn’t enough. Breast cancer survivors may have another battle to face soon, that is heart failure. Studies show that heart failure is high amongst women who’ve have survived breast cancer. Us poor woman just can’t catch a break. Read more below. Minosoar

Women’s Brains Are Better Than Men’s…

When dealing with white matter. White matter is tissue in the brain that facilitates communication to other parts of the brain. According to a new study, women who are recovering from alcohol abuse regain their white matter faster than men who get sober. Damn. Read more below. Minosoar

Tiny Batteries Causes Big Health Threats For Kids

Dear parents be sure to keep those tiny batteries found in toys or watches away from your children. The swallowing of the batteries are causing serious health problems even death amongst kids. Read more below. Funk Flex

Texas Man Sues Sex Pill Company, Claims Pill Fractured His Penis

A Texas man is left with a fractured penis after taking sexual enhancement pills. He’s angry as hell and is blaming the pills for his injuries. Could he just of had rough sex? Hmmms. Read more below. Funk Flex

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