LinkedIn Now Set To Become The MOST Important Social Media?!

LinkedIn is making it easier than every to apply for jobs. Through the new update users will now be able to apply for jobs straight from the website. How do you feel about applying for jobs via your phone?! See how it works after the jump ..

Facebook Hires Its First WHAT?!

Facebook has finally brought on a chief marketing officer nearly nine years after its founding. The lucky guy is Gary Briggs a former CMO at Google’s Motorola Mobility. Briggs has quite the experience handling the marketing for companies like eBay, PayPal, Pepsi, and Google. He was the one responsible for reintroducing consumers to Motorola after Google acquired it. Briggs has a good rapport overall so hopefully he brings nothing but success to Facebook !

Obama Vetoes Apple Import Ban !!!

Obama and his administration have issued a veto on the ban for the iPhone 4 and 3G-capable iPad 2 models in the US. This allegation came from when Samsung claimed that these products in particular were infringed upon and wanted to ultimately put ITC bans on them. If this went through it would have blocked a few Apple products but mainly the iPhone 4. The administration states that despite Obamas ruling Samsung will be able to pursue its rights through court. See Samsung’s response to the verdict after the jump. Many people see the verdict as being very biased and in Apple’s favor .. what do you think?!?

That’s It….Some Of You No Longer Have CBS!!!

Negotiations between CBS and Time Warner have been going back and forth between the two and the verdict is final. CBS in some areas including NYC, LA, and Dallas have officially been dropped from the cable service. This is the first time CBS has EVER been dropped from a cable system!

WHAT Store Is Offering 3D Printing?!?!

UPS will be offering 3D printing so company’s can quickly create models of items they plan on making. This would be an inexpensive way that UPS will help further their small business customers. They are currently testing the uPrint SE Plus which is supposed to be better equipped to print more detailed designs than the consumer model. Although Staples was the first company to utilize 3D printing it only offers it to it’s customers online, UPS will be the first company to have it readily accessible in store. As of right now it is only available in the San Diego area but UPS plans on expanding the service nationally if all goes well.

You Have To Do WHAT To Get A Genius Bar Appointment In China?

To make an appointment at a Genius Bar, Apple’s in-store tech support, you just hop on line, tell them your issue and make an appointment. In China, though, people are taking advantage of this system and making it more difficult – and more expensive – for people to get Genius Bar appointments. Apparently, using a bunch of email addresses, scalpers book up every Genius Bar appointment at Apple stores and sell the appointments. Read more to see how much they sell the appointments for.

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