(18+*Video) LMFAO….THIS Tech Porn Device Will ‘Blow’ You Away!!!!

LOLOLOLOL…I can’t lie, if this were Real, They would Sell SOOOO Many Units! The ‘Samsung Apex’ is Virtual reality at it’s finest, having you put on head gear for the visual, and a ‘strap on’ to get the ‘Feel’….Hit the Jump for the Video!!

SnapChat For Android UPGRADES!

For all you Snapchat users the latest version for the Android app has added a set of new features including the ability to view conversations and other gesture-based navigation controls. Hit the jump to see what other new perks this app is offering..

WTF!! Apple Making SELF-Adjusting WHAT?!

No one is every a really big fan of Apple’s stock headphones that come with the iPad and iPhone(I do love the earpods though). Even the supposedly new and improved one haven’t been a hit with most customers(others). But an Apple Insider details how they are looking to possibly come out with self-adjusting ones that would fit the liking of everyone. Hit the jump to find out more..

WTF!? Apple Is Being Sued By WHAT School!?!?

Boston University recently filed a lawsuit against Apple, claiming the electronic giant infringed on one of its patents. The University is saying that one of its professors, Theodore D. Moustakas filed a patent in 1997 for a semiconductor that creates blue LED lasers.

The Vine VS. Instagram Competition IS REAL!

Vine has released it’s BIGGEST update yet for iOS today including a number of new features! Hit the jump to see what they added..

WHAT .. Another Internet STRIKE ! #RestoreTheFourth

Reddit, Mozilla, WordPress, as well as other big websites are protesting against the National Security Agency tomorrow (July 4th) over secret programs that they just found out about last month. Hit the jump for the full story..

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