Auto Talk: You can own Al Capone’s bulletproof 1928 Cadillac

Al Capone was many things: A criminal, a bootlegger, a tax dodger, and a notable philanthropist. But most of all he was a celebrity. His exploits sold newspapers by the truckload and his appearances in newsreels entertained millions in the era before television. That his armored 1928 Cadillac sold for $621,500 just six years ago is a testament to the mafioso’s legend. Funk Flex

Hotel Where Al Capone Hideout Up For Sale On EBay

The hotel that Al Capone’s hideout was in Illinois is now up for sale on Ebay. The bidding for the hotel began at $2 million. The property includes a hotel, a house with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, and three half bathrooms, along with a full service marina. Read more below. Julie1205

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