Angela Simmons Has How Many Tattoos?

Recently, caught up with Angela Simmons to see if she had any secrets she wouldn’t mind disclosing and she revealed she is a tattoo lover. She has gotten quite a few since we saw her get her very first one on ‘Run’s House’ years ago. FInd out how many tattoos she has after the jump Quay

(Fellas Check The Pics!) Angela Simmons Hits The Gym In Spandex Once Again!

Angela, we appreciate you and your choice of gym attire! Keep working on that physique! LOL! Check out pics from Ang’s latest go at the gym below. Marisa Mendez

(Photo) Angela Simmons Recruited For Benefit Campaign!

A friend of Angela Simmons recruited her for the Art Day Celebration Benefit Campaign in order to help raise money for an orphanage in Haiti.  Hit the jump for a pic of Angela and other models for the campaign pic. Steph Bassanini

(Video) Angela Simmons Gives Some Fitness Tips With Her Trainer In The Gym

Angela Simmons is letting us in the secrets that have her body looking so good! Her and her trainer Mike T. (who trains Rosa Acosta and more) hit the gym and bring the cameras along for a look into her workout plan. Watch below. Marisa Mendez

(Check The Pics) Angela & Vanessa Simmons Look Hot Promoting Their New Products

Just in case you don’t know the Simmons sisters are both pursuing separate empires. They started off with Pastry’s together. Now, Vanessa is getting ready to debut her new swimwear/lingerie line. While, Angela is promoting her new Indique hair extenstion line. Both sisters look fabulous in their recent photoshoots. Hit the jump to see pics. Gernique N

(Photo) Angela & Vanessa Simmons Want You To Vote

Elections are coming up pretty soon. Of course, several celebrities have already taken their stance and are spreading the word about their fav candidates. Hit the jump to see Angela & Vanessa Simmons supporting Prez Obama. Gernique N

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