(Photos) Mrs. Justin Bieber Loses Fight With Cancer

Avalanna Routh, a Justin Bieber fan who earned the nickname Mrs. Bieber after marrying a cardboard cutout of the singer, has passed away at the age of six. Routh suffered from a rare, aggressive form of brain cancer called AT/RT. Read more after the jump Quay

(Video) Justin Bieber Fan, Avalanna Routh, Dies At Age 6

This has to be one of the saddest stories ever. Avalanna Routh, who was diagnosed with a brain cancer an one of Justin Bieber’s biggest fans passed on Wednesday. Before passing, Avalanna had the opportunity to meet Justin. Bieber expressed how sorry he was for the family’s loss and how much he missed her. R.I.P. little angel. For more info click below. Eloisa Melo

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