The moment we’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived – the REAL conformation that Bad Boys 3 AND Bad Boys 4 is making its way to a theater near you! To make you feel old real quick, it’s been 20 years since the original Bad Boys movie dropped featuring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. Luckily for die hard fans of the classic buddy cop film, Sony Pictures has announced that Bad Boys 3 will be released on February 17th of 2017 and just two years later on July 3rd, 2019, we can expect Bad Boys 4. They’ve not yet confirmed whether or not Will Smith and Martin Lawrence will be starring in the next two movies again, but hopefully they are. Sony also has a plethora of movies that are gearing up for release in the coming years including Ghostbusters, Resident Evil 6, Jumanji plus many, many more. Check out the full list below! Will you be checking Bad Boys 3 + 4 out in the theaters when it is released?