Sports: Oscar Pistorius Found Guilty Of Culpable Homicide! Now Facing How Many Years In Prison?

South African Olympic star Oscar Pistorius was found not guilty of murder earlier this week in the death of his girlfriend, but he did not get away scott free. Pistorius was found guilty of “culpable homicide” which is the equivalent to manslaughter or negligent homicide here in the U.S. The Judge thought he was more than responsible for her death even though she does not believe he did it on purpose. He is now facing up to 15 years in prison, but he may also avoid jail time all together. Hit the jump.

Sports:(Update) Oscar Pistorius Granted Bail In Murder Case

This is another crazy sports story going on. Oscar Pistorius, aka Blade Runner, was granted bail early this morning in South Africa in his murder case. He has been charged with pre-meditated murder in the shooting death of his girlfriend in his home. He has claimed he thought he was shooting at an intruder, but evidence kind of points to something else. However, he was able to make a good enough case to at least be granted bail. The judge in the case set bail at 1 million rand ( which is about $113,000 in U.S. currency), and he only had to come up with $11,300 in cash, and provide proof the rest is available. He had to turn in his passports and he can not go anywhere without permission of the probation officer. This is just the beginning of this story which will lasts as long as the case does. Read more about the case after the jump.

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