Blue eyed felon Jeremy Meeks has taken the world by storm after his very…..ummm…handsome mugshot went viral (call me thirsty IDC, dude looks good.) Meeks has been gaining so much attention that he even has a very popular laser removal company called LaserAway interested in him. The company claims they’ve been following Meeks’ story closely and are very moved by the comments his mother made about her son getting stereotyped due to his gang-related tattoos all over his body (well duh.) The company not only wants to remove all of his tattoos for him (for free) but they also want to put up $20K towards his $900,000 bail. However, a bunch of modeling companies have also been showing interest in Meeks and actually like his scary gang-member look so we’re not sure if that’s necessarily a great idea. Hmmmmmm. What would you do? Drop your comments below. Oh, and check out what Mr. Meeks is working with below the belt here if you missed it. (C’mon ladies, you know you want to seeeeee!)