(Video) Sports: Michael B. Jordan’s Monster Crossover in Star-Studded Basketball Game

Michael B. Jordan is breaking ankles!  He showed off his skills at Equinox gym in L.A. with a sick crossover in his celebrity-filled basketball league (the league is packed with stars including Kevin Hart, Bill Bellamy, James Van Der Beek, Terrell Owens and J.Cole). Check it out…

(Video) NBA: LOL, Bad Night For Kenneth Faried, Durant Breaks His Ankles, The Reggie Jackson Posterizes Him!

The Denver Nuggets beat the Thunder last night, but it cost Nuggets forward Kenneth Faried a couple embarrassing moments. Early in the game Kevin Durant literally had him on skates with a crossover, and a little later guard Reggie Jackson exploded to the rim and threw it down in the face of Faried. Knicks fans, remember, this was the player they wanted to trade Shumpert for in November. Glad that didn’t happen. Hit the jump for the plays.

(VIDEO) NBA: Did Kevin Durant Break Vince Carter’s Ankles?!?!

Thunder fans say yes & Mav fans say no! Did Kevin Durant break Vince Carter’s ankles?! Thunder fans think that he did and Mav fans think he fell because KD stepped on Carter’s foot.  Check out the video and let us know what you think…

(Video) NBA: Stephen Curry Shatters George Hill’s Ankles!

Oh my goodness! Stephen Curry crosses up Paul George and Tyler Hansbrough with his crazy handles!! Check it out…

(Video) NBA: Breaking Ankles! John Wall’s Mean Crossover Sends Ish Smith to The Floor!

Check out the amazing crossover & behind the back move from John Wall as he sends Magic guard Ish Smith to the floor and then dishes to Wizards big man Kevin Seraphin for the BIG slam! GameTimeGirl

(Video) NBA: He’s Still Got It! Allen Iverson Breaking Ankles In China

AI still doing what he does best!  Allen Iverson and a bunch of former NBA players took part in an exhibition game over the weekend, and even though he didn’t finish on this particular play, Iverson let fans in China know that his crossover can still send defenders crumbling to the floor. GameTimeGirl

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