(Photo/Video) More iPhone 6 Leaks, Including Info About The Battery You May Want To Hear!!!

Leaks pon Leaks Pon Leaks, I love Apple, but I’m starting to get bored with all these damn leaks, like today, we have the actual back panel, in black, like ok ok, BUT then I ran across this info about the battery that leaked, that I think you want to know!!

(Video/Photos) Could A Cell Tower Find Missing Flight 370?!

At this point there are pretty much nothing but theories, but a possible one is that the plane some how doubled back over Malaysia, and IF they did, and IF passengers had their phones on(which some do, 30% according to TMZ’s report), then the data could be on a tower in the city of Kota Bharu.

(Video) YouTube To Start A New Format For Ultra HD aka 4K TV!!!

I know the 99% of non-techies could care less about this, but in about 4 to 5 years, when everyone and there moms has some sort of 4K TV, and mobile devices have gone past retina, you will care, a lot!

Alert: Snapchat Database Has Been Leaked, Here’s How To find out IF You’re Affected!!!

The Super popular photo/video app had a vulnerability that allowed for someone to access most of the user’s, and although they knew about it, they figured it wasn’t something someone would do, but….yup, they did!

WARNING: If You Have It, Do NOT Use The iMessage For Android App!!

It seems as though Android is the ‘on the low King of Malware/mobile virus’. I’ve been watching this the last couple of days and it’s getting a lot of circulation, so it’s time for a stern ‘WARNING’ *Dj Camilo Voice*

You Won’t Believe What A Hospital Employee Was Able To Do!!

If you’ve ever been hospitalized, you know how vulnerable you are. Not only is your health at risk – a lot of personal information, including financial and medical records, are in the hospital’s hands. Hospital employees have near total control over you during your stay, and we trust them to be responsible. The hippocratic oath that all doctors must take does say “Do no harm.” You have to see what one employee did in total violation of this.

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