Obama Shrinks The U.S. Deficit By $1 Trillion!

Obama has been practically swimming in W’s this year. He is really ending his presidency on the right note.

U.S. CEO’s Come Together To Combat Government Debt

About 90 of the nation’s top CEO’s pressed Congress to reduce the U.S. trillion dollars debt. The CEO’s are working on a ‘deal’ to restore confidence and the economy. Click below to get more info. Funk Flex

(Video) Obama Talks The Economy, His Leadership, & Re-Election On 60 Minutes

After months of listening to attacks from Republican presidential candidates and congressional leaders, President Obama took off the gloves this past week and emerged in full campaign mode. It began with a major speech in the nation’s heartland, with a vigorous defense of his economic policies, directed at the middle class. It spilled over into the White House Press Room with a contentious response to Republican criticisms of his foreign policy. 60 Minutes Steve Kroft sat down with the President and asked questions pertaining to his record, his leadership, the economy and his prospects for re-election. View the segment in its entirety after the jump. @capriSUNshine

Tech Talk News: ‘Occupy,’ ‘Deficit’ and ‘Fracking’ Named Top Words of 2011

The year’s not over yet, but the folks at the Global Language Monitor — a company known for tracking trends in language usage — have already put out their annual list of the top words, phrases, and names. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Obama Calls On Rich Americans To Help Narrow Deficit

President Barack Obama said on Saturday that Americans need to be ready to ‘pay their fair share’ to narrow the U.S. deficit, previewing his proposals to Congress that are expected to include more taxes on the rich. Continue reading after the jump. @capriSUNshine

Federal Deficit Totaled $1.23 Trillion in August

The federal budget deficit reached $1.23 trillion in August. The third straight $1 trillion-plus deficit adds pressure on Congress and the White House to reach agreement on a long-term plan to trim government spending. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. Funk Flex Find Flex On Google+

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