(Video) Tears, Or Not: Nicki Minaj Uses Her Boobies To Console A Young Fan

LMAO! I’m legit in tears. If you missed Karrueche Tran on Iyanlya: Fix My Life, the host asked Chris Brown’s ex if she’d ever cried on bosoms before. She had not, but this little fella named Donnie, has. The boy gets a dose of Nicki Minaj’s BOOBIES and all is back well with the world! Hit the jump for more.

(Audio) Dave Chappelle Gets Last Laugh at Banana Peel Throwing Fan

Welp…not only can we not* call this man a real fan…but he’s been embarrassed at least two times over for his unnecessary show-stopping antics! Dave Chappelle Gets Last Laugh at Banana Peel Throwing Fan after a show in New Mexico (he be on the move!) that ended in cuffs and harsh charges. “You must learn…”

(Video) Riff Raff Takes A Page From Action Bronson’s ‘Body Slam A Fan’ Book

This concert violence is just becoming a little excessive. Following in the footsteps of his hip hop brethren Action Bronson, is Riff Raff. Let’s just say the smallest things can tick these guys – or their security – off. Details down bottom.

(Video) NBA: LMAO, Young Spurs Fan Tries His Best To Make Sure Lebron Sees Him Flipping Him Off

One of the best moments of the night during the Cavs and Spurs classic game last night had nothing to do with the actual game itself. A young Spurs fan, sitting pretty close to the court obviously does not like Lebron James and he wanted the King to know it. The little guy tried with all his mite to flip off Bron with two middle fingers before the boy’s father jumped in and told him to knock it off. Not sure if Bron even noticed but it was pretty hilarious.

(Photos) NFL: Grown Man Upset Dez Bryant Wouldn’t Take a Picture With Him

Okay maybe my title is a little harsh, it has to suck when you meet one of your favorite celebrities and they turn out to be a douchebag towards you.  Anyways that’s what this man is claiming after mustering up the “courage” to ask Dez Bryant to take a picture and getting shut down by the Dallas Cowboys wide receiver.

(Photos) Blac Chyna Puts Fan In Check For Claiming She Purchased House With Child Support!

It seems as if everyone believes that Blac Chyna’s one and only source of income is her ex man/baby father Tyga but she had to let a follower know that it’s NOT true. Chyna recently uploaded a photo of her new house on the gram, feeling really blessed and accomplished but of course there is always someone ready to throw shade. One of her “fans” implied that she got it with the use of Tyga’s coins but she quickly put that person and all others in their place letting them know she did that all on her own! Read Chyna’s response in the gallery!

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