NFL:(Video) No Fun League!! Bucs Dashon Goldson Fined $30K For This Hit

We all know the NFL has been trying it’s best to clean up the game from dirty plays and hits. Main reason for it is because it wants to avoid concussions for it’s players the best it can. However, in doing so and putting forth all these new rules regarding the way you can hit a player, they are putting defensive players at such a disadvantage. At this point they do not even know how to hit a player without being fined. When a grown man signs a contract to be paid to play football, that man knows the risks of being injured on the field. The league should then not have to also protect a player when certain things in the game of football come with the territory. This hit is a perfect example. Last Sunday, Bucs safety Dashon Goldson hits Jets receiver Jeff Cumberland with a big hit, but a CLEAN hit. He did not purposely aim for his head or anything like that. He caught him right in his chest, close to his facemask. He just gave him a very hard, clean hit, and it wound up knocking Cumberland out of the game. Hit the jump for the video and let me know what you think. Should be be fined?

NFL: Ndamukong Suh Fined $100,000

Good lawd!!! Maybe this will teach him?  You wanna play dirty – you’re going to have to pay! Ndamukong Suh fined $100,000 (not suspended) for low block on Vikings’ John Sullivan. Details after the jump…

MLB: LOL, Chris Perez Fined For Mailing Weed … To His Dog

Damn dogs!  LMAO. I’m sorry, I had to laugh at this.  As far a kids are concerned, there’s nothing funny about it – drugs are bad for you – don’t do drugs.  BUT really?!  C’mon fam!  Nice try!  Indians pitcher Chris Perez has been fined for mailing marijuana … to his dog. Report after the jump…

(PHOTO) NFL: Robert Griffin III Reportedly Being Fined $10K For Wearing This?!

Here we go again.  It hasn’t been formally announced yet, but according to sources Robert Griffin III has been fined $10k for apparel he wore during the Redskins game Monday night.  Nike is the league’s official apparel maker, while RG3 is sponsored by Adidas.  According to Darren Rovell, the shirt in question is not trademarked by RGIII or Adidas. More details & photos of the shirt after the jump…

(Video) NFL: Reallllly?! Does This Hit by Jon Bostic Deserve a $21K Fine?!?!

Go ‘head say it with me….NFL = No Fun League. C’mon fam. A fine for this?! Pretty soon it’s going to be no hits and flag football. SMH. Ridiculous. Bears rookie LB Jon Bostic was fined $21,000 today for his hit on Chargers WR Mike Willie.  If you haven’t seen it yet, it was an amazing LEGAL / clean hit. Check it out & along with the details after the jump & let us know what you think….

Man Loses How Many Toes After Seeing A Veterinarian???

This story is wild, A man out in Colorado had to have three toes amputated earlier this week because of his prior visits to a 78 year old veterinarian who had no license to practice. I can’t make this stuff up. The veterinarian claims all he did was put a wrap around the foot infection of the man but because the foot was not properly treated in time toes had to amputated. Sheesh! Check out more on this story and why this happened in the first place.

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