NBA: Knicks GM Glen Grunwald Leaning Towards Keeping Mike Woodson as the Coach

Knicks permanent general manager Glen Grunwald raved on about interim coach Mike Woodson Wednesday, giving strong indications he’s got his man for next season.  Read more after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

NBA: Clippers Coach Vinny Del Negro Rips Players’ Lack of Effort

Clippers Coach Vinny Del Negro wasn’t happy with his team, going off on players after a lackluster effort against the Atlanta Hawks on Tuesday night.  The Clippers then lost to the Knicks last night and will not have homecourt advantage during the playoffs.  Read more after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

NBA: Portland Trailblazers Pursue Steve Kerr For GM Job

Steve Kerr and John Hammond — two candidates who have been down this road before — are back in the mix of the Trail Blazers’ search for a general manager.  It’s said that Kerr will only take the job if he can have the dual role of GM and head coach.  Read more after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

NBA: Metta World Peace Says Kobe Bryant Has Been the Coach While Injured

It’s no secret that Mike Brown doesn’t have complete control over the Lakers. When he was hired many people said Kobe would end up coaching the team and according to Metta World Series its true.  Read more after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

NBA: Magic Head Coach Stan Van Gundy May Quit or Be Replaced Because of Dwight Howard

Stan Van Gundy’s days with the Orlando Magic may be numbered. The Magic might decide to part ways with Van Gundy after the season in an effort to appease Dwight Howard. However, Orlando may not have the opportunity to fire the 52-year-old head coach.  Read more after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

NFL: Indianapolis Colts Interview Jim Tressel For Head Coaching Job

Colts owner Jim Irsay flew to Florida on Friday and while there discussed the team’s head-coaching job with former Ohio State Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel for a second time, according to reports.  Read more after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

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