Audi has been using their “Matrix” beam lighting system on concept cars for the past 2 years. It is a brilliant idea, but may have some problems actually being used on production cars. The system uses small cameras to detect other vehicles on the road and darkens specific elements of the high-beam pattern to provide maximum nighttime visibility without blinding other drivers. Audi has hopes the new system will help do away with the standard high & low beam settings on cars now. Only issue is the NHSTA ( National Highway Traffic System Administration), does not allow this type of system under it’s current guidelines. Audi wants to know if ANY parts of their lighting system are allowed to be used for production models. If this does not get eventually approved this would be highly counter productive to progress. This is a great piece of technology and would have drivers no longer needing to reach for the high beams and low beams depending how dark it is and if cars are heading towards you. Get it together NHSTA.