(Photos) UPDATE: Two People Aboard The Missing Boeing 777 Were Traveling With Stolen WHAT??!!

Stay with us. Earlier today we informed you that Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, that took off from Kuala Lumpur headed towards Beijing, mysteriously vanished. Later, we learned that oil slicks were found by Vietnamese Air Force planes leading some to believe that the jet crashed. However, during a in-depth review of the passenger list, authorities discovered that two of the missing 239 passengers were traveling with stolen passports. Along with this troubling discovery, we also have info on the missing Americans. Check it out after the jump.

(Photos) Update: Oil Slicks Found From Missing Malaysian Jetliner!

Oil slicks have been spotted. The slicks are thought to be from the missing Malaysian jetliner which is being suspected of a crashed Boeing aircraft. The oil slicks were spotted by Vietnamese air force planes. The search for the missing jet continues.

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