(Video) MUST WATCH!: “How Not To Get Cheated On (Female Edition)”

Ladies, this extremely BLUNT & straight-forward video is a MUST WATCH as this dude gives an in-depth explanation as to why [some] men start cheating. Fellas, you will probably appreciate everything this man says. Hit the jump, check out the video, and let us know if he’s right or wrong!

Say What?! Bosses Can Fire Their Attractive Employers For Being ‘Irresistible’!

Wow! Apparently bosses can fire their attractive female employers for being “Irresistible”. A dentist fired his female assistant after him and his wife viewed her as a threat to their marriage. Wow! Click below for more details. Melissa

Black Male High School Graduation Rates Increase

Black male high school graduation rates have increased to 52 percent. This number still lags behind white males who graduate at a 78 percent rate and Latino males who graduate at a 58 percent rate. Click below to read more. Jason J.

Chocolate May Help Men Avoid Strokes

Recent Swedish studies found that eating massive amounts of chocolate might help reduce a man’s risk of getting a stroke. SWEET news for men but what about the women? Read more below. Funk Flex

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