DAMN! Wendy Williams Goes IN On Paula Deen, Questions Her Friendship With Oprah And Then Says WHAT?!

While Paula Deen Enterprises tries to play damage control to decrease the controversy surrounding the uncovered racist past of herself and her family that came out in the lawsuit of a former manager of her restaurant Bubba’s Oyster House in Savannah, more people are speaking out against Deen, including Wendy Williams. And as always said, we know that Wendy is not one to hold back. In an interview, she spoke on the drama and alluded to the fact that this might not be the first time she has heard of Deen’s habit of being “more than a little bit racist” at times. Read more after the jump…..

(Photos) Man Calls A Crying Baby The N-Word Then Slaps Him In The Face

Several people aboard an airplane witnessed a alleged drunken 60-year-old man attempted to quiet a crying baby by literally taking matters into his own hand by slapping the child. More after the jump.

Korean Immigrant Sues NYC Hooters

Korean immigrant, Kisuk Cha, is suing a Hooters restaurant in NYC for racial discrimination. When Cha look at his food receipt the slur “Chinx” was found. Click below to read more. Jason J.

Papa John’s Issues An Apology For One Of Its NYC Stores Calling Asian Woman “Lady Chinky Eyes”

SMH: Papa John’s is under fire after one of its New York City stores called a woman an extremely racial slur on her food receipt. More details after the jump… Wendy L.

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