(Photos) Fabolous On His 2015 New Year’s Resolution

It’s been said “we all get the same 24 hours,” (true!) and clearly the “Young OG” has been putting in work as the year wraps up. But Fab hasn’t just been making headlines and gearing up for a highly anticipated album release. With the weigh in of Fabolous On His 2015 New Year’s Resolution, it’s clear he’s also playing chess.

(Video) Fabolous Drops A Freestyle During “Sway In The Morning!”

  As Fabolous’ Christmas album release nears the Brooklyn rapper is taking over the city with his press run to prepare for the the digital album. During his press stop at “Sway In The Morning” Loso spoke on wanting to collaborate with Nas, and Eminem in the near future, named the top lyricist in the game right now, and broke down the lyrics in his newest record – “lituation” with Sway. Fab also went on to elaborate more on “The Young OG Project” which is his first project under Roc Nation, and dropped a freestyle of course. Watch it after the jump!

The Early Sales Projections Are In! Guess How Much J. Cole’s ‘2014 Forest Hills Drive’ Is Set To Sell In Its First Week!

Though just released yesterday, J. Cole’s 2014 Forest Hills Drive first week sales projections are already in, and they’re looking to be amazing! Before I reveal the numbers, let’s review what we are working with here. Only just a couple of weeks ago, Cole reemerged from Nowheresville, and revealed that the album was coming. Since dropping his sophomore effort in the summer of 2013 and doing a few months of touring promotion, the Roc Nation rapper has been completely off the radar until the new album announcement. In addition to that, he’s released ZERO singles to radio for this project, unlike the last two albums, and has done relatively zero promo on top of that. The most he’s done has been a magazine interview and one music video beforehand, with the second video dropping on the night of the album’s release (last night.)

(Video) Fabolous Signs To Roc Nation; Announces ‘Young OG’ Digital Album

Fabolous always drops solid projects around the holidays, but it’s usually in the form of a mixtape. This time, we’ll be getting a full album, which Loso announced today via MTV. Along with the announcement he signed to Jay Z’s Roc Nation imprint (I’m unsure whether for a record label or for management,) Fabolous confirmed that Young OG will drop on digital retailers on Christmas, and the first single from the project will be called “Lituation.” “This is a word that I’ve been hearing floating around and I thought, why not make a song out of it?’” Fab said about the song title. “It’s really about a situation that can get lit. You can come into a situation and it can be [calm] and you can turn it up and get it a little lit. It’s a very aggressive New York street record and I wanted to start with that just to get the feel, and get you there first, [then] the rest of the album will take you different places.” As for the album, it will be “very ’90s-inspired and ’90s themed,” which makes sense with his recent birthday party! “It was a golden era in hip-hop to me,” Fab said. “It was where I fell in love with hip-hop and really admired everything that was going on within the culture. I was introduced to hip-hop in the ’80s but the ’90s is when it flourished and you saw different people, different styles and different regions emerge – it was a very diverse and…

(Photos) NFL: Roc Nation Welcomes Dez Bryant With A Party At The 40/40

Bryant recently signed with Jay Z’s Roc Nation Sports and what other way for the Cowboys star to receive a warm welcome like a party at the 40/40. Hit the jump for details.

(Photos) Is J. Cole Dropping A New Album Next Month?

With the internet these days it is almost impossible to hide projects from big name artists after the success off Beyonce’s surprise album. The cat is now out the bag for J. Cole as Amazon gave the surprise away and is currently offering pre-orders for what appears to be Cole’s third studio album which looks like it will be called 2014 Forest Hills Drive, expected to release on December 9th via Roc Nation and Columbia Records. A screenshot has also surfaced from the iTunes Store promoting the same album, although if you search it, you will not find it. Hmmmm… Chcck out the screenshots in the gallery.

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