New Book: Sarah Palin And Glen Rice Had One-Night Stand & Palin Had Fetish For Black Men

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl The National Enquirer grabbed some details from the upcoming Joe McGinniss Sarah Palin book (out Sept. 20th). Apparently Palin had a fling with former Heat/Hornet/Laker Glen Rice while he was in college and while she was a sports reporter in Alaska, all the way back in 1987. Rice confirms it in the book. Details after the jump…

Obama Fights Off Republican Attacks & Launches Reelection Campaign

President Barack Obama launches a reelection campaign counteroffensive this week, weighed down by withering support among some of his most ardent backers, a stunted economy and a daily bashing from the slew of Republicans campaigning for his job. Continue reading after the jump. @capriSUNshine

Sarah Palin’s PRIVATE & PERSONAL Emails as Alaskan Governor Have Been Released!! Search Them Yourself!!

  You gotta love public policy!  You can join in on the frenzy.  Read ALL the emails or just a few and search different topics after the jump! @jazzyvadney

(VIDEO) Sarah Palin’s Personal and Business Emails as Alaskan Governor Set to Be Released!!

More than 24,000 pages of e-mails relating to Sarah Palin’s term as governor are scheduled to be released… @jazzyvadney

(Video) Palin Thanks Bush (Not Obama) Following Bin Laden’s Death

In delivering a speech in Colorado on Monday night, Sarah Palin reacted to the death of Osama bin Laden and the path taken by the country to achieve the accomplishment. According to multiple reports, Palin acknowledged President Barack Obama in her remarks, though not by name. She did, however, offer her thanks and appreciation to his predecessor George W. Bush. @funkmasterflex

Should Trump Be Taken Serious For President???

Of course I’m Voting For the incumbent, Pres. Obama, But there are a lot of people trying to make noise right now, so hit the jump, take the Poll, and Tell us who you want to see President in Jan 2013??? @TatWza

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