Don’t Pet The Pigs

Honestly, who’s really out here petting pigs? If you are then you’re definitely living life dangerously and you need to chill because there is a new swine flu spreading around. So you might want to hold off on the petting, bacon and steak for a while. Read more below. Minosoar

Two Children Infected With New Swine Flu Strain

It may be time to pull out those swine flu masks, again! Two children have been infected by a new strain of the flu, which spread across the world in 2010. The children have since been treated for the flu and are expected to make a full recovery. Both children received the H1N1 vaccination back in September 2010, but the H1N1 or “swine flu” vaccine does not fight against the new strain H3N2. Read more about the children after the jump. @Julie1205

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