Tech Talk Leak: Tmobile Officially Gets Samsung Galaxy 10.1???

Well it seems so, A leaked Pic of Tmobile’s inventory shows that is really could be! Well the question is, do you care?? You should, That Tab on a 3G/4G Network would be Clean, Just ask Verizon(but less the Price)!! Hit the Jump On exactly when! WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Device: @Tmobile’s Galaxy S II Have Price, Date, And Very NICE Surprise For You!!!

Like Last Month sometime(8/31/11) I posted about the launch of the coming Galaxy II phones, and then a day or so later the release date and pricing came for most of the lines except for Tmobile, But that day has arrived, Plus something Extra, See the Jump for Needs! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk News: Wireless Service Will Soon Be Available On The MTA

Nothing like missing out on a steamy text message conversation because you have to get on the train. Or maybe you are solidifying a deal via e-mail but are on your way to a meeting via train. Regardless the situation being without our cell phones can make you feel disconnected from the world. Check out the changes coming after the jump which will allow you to tweet while commuting. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk News: Tmobile NO iPhone 5???

I hate to present this type of news to the mobile community, I know it was quite a few people hoping and wait o know when exactly the iPhone 5 would be available on Tmo, and now there seems to be confirmation on exactly when it’s…Not coming to Tmo, Not news you wanted to hear(for Tmo user’s that is). Hit the Jump to see the Statement you probably don’t want to see(once again as a Tmo user -_- ) Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Review: PRO’s & CON’s Of The Blackberry Bold 9900

So Now that the Team has had the BB Bold 9900 in Service(with Tmobile) for a minute now, we have a better understanding of it’s workings, See the Pro’s and the Con’s! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Rumor Is: Gamestop Will Have The iPhone 5???

This is getting Crazy, as usual, it feels like Apple is truly trying to take over the World, They are sell iOS devices at Gamestop??? well it seems as though that’s what the Rumor Is! Hit the Jump for a little bit of confirmation!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

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