(Video) Escaping Death: Man Trapped In Car During Tsunami

@klassic_p With thousands dead and many more still missing after the earthquake and tsunami that hit northeast Japan, one man describes being inside a car swept away by the raging water. Catch the full story after the jump…

See The Difference Of Before and After Earthquake In Japan!!!

This Is Why Factories All Over Japan are shutting down, The Landscape is not the same, see for yourself after the Jump. @TatWza

Japan Falling Into A Recession

@klassic_p Japan is at serious risk of falling into a recession due to Friday’s tragic earthquake and tsunami, according to many leading economists. But Japan could recover quickly, sparing the global economy a significant shock.

AT&T, Verizon, And Sprint Makes Calling Japan Free Until End Of March!!

Although I Think AT&T are some scumbags(personal issue) This is something good they are doing(although for publicity) and it made Verizon and Sprint join the Pub stunt…See Details. @TatWza

iTunes Let’s You Donate To Red Cross For Japan!!!

Apple has opened a page that allows you to donate from $5 to $200 what ever you can afford to help the devastated Japanese People, Our Hearts(and Hopefully our $) Goes Out To You Japan! See iTunes Link to donate in Details. (And We’ll know if you don’t hit the Link) @TatWza

President Obama Addressed The Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan


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