Tech Talk Rumors: HTC Windows Phone 8 Roadmap Revealed

HTC has some new smartphones  in tow for Microsoft’s new OS. The Phones maybe similar to Google’s HTC One series. This might be the jump Microsoft needs to get in the mix with iOS and Android Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Microsoft Ready to Release Windows 8 Tablet!!!

Rumors are circulating that Microsoft is gearing up to unveil it own tablet with a newer version of Windows 8. Personally I think Microsoft should look pass Tablets since that’s a market Apple has a strong grip on and focus on that Xbox 720. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Dell’s First Windows 8 Spec Sheet Leaks!!!

Looks like Dells first tablet spec sheet just sprung a leak. With rumors swirling that Google may reveal their Nexus tablet in the coming weeks, it wouldn’t be surprising if Dell put the leaked spec out themselves to create some hype. Yungjohnnybravo X TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Microsoft Reveals Updated Windows 8 Interface

Windows has revealed a updated version of updated desktop user interface for Windows 8. Yungjohnnybravo TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Microsoft Ejects DVD Playback from Windows 8

Digital media playback in Windows 8 has fallen casualty to the savage economics of the PC industry and changing tastes in consumer viewing.We knew Windows Media Center would be sold at extra cost in Windows 8, but Microsoft now says you won’t be able to play DVDs on Windows Media Player in Windows 8. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Microsoft Spends Big Money With Barnes & Nobles!!!!

LOL, they didn’t just walk into Barnes & Noble and spend mad cash, they invested a Big grip of cash into the Nook so they can have a viable Windows 8 Tablet, and with the recent success of the Kindle Fire, they feel like they can impact the market, Can they?? We shall see. +TatWZA

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