These are the real life Winkelvoss Twins from the movie “The Social Network” that apparently still hold a grudge for Mark Zuckerberg recently did an interview expressing so…See Details.

Cameron Winkelvoss had these zingers to say about Zuckerberg:

It’s really easy to forget six or seven years later that Mark Zuckerberg’s big vision, before we came to him with our idea, was comparing photos of Harvard students to farm animals. Not only is that not creative, not only is it not unique because already existed, but it’s goddamn cruel and mean.

On Mark’s ethics:

I feel that the way Mark operated, and what he did, was completely unethical and completely against teamwork. That’s not something you find in the sport. People like that don’t get very far. They get nowhere really.

On Zuckerberg’s perceived underdog status:

Zuckerberg grew up in Dobbs Ferry. This is a nice area of New York. He went to boarding school at Philips Exeter Academy. You can’t get a finer education at a private boarding school. Then he went to Harvard. He’s not some underdog. I would hope that people don’t come away from the movie believing that Zuckerberg is the underdog. if you’re rooting for Zuckerberg, you’re rooting for a lawless place, a place where fraud is acceptable, a place where there is no protection.

And lastly, on the damning question of, “If you were the inventor of Facebook, wouldn’t you have invented Facebook?”

The short answer is: We would’ve invented Facebook if Mark Zuckerberg hadn’t sabotaged our project and absolutely betrayed us.

Honest Personally I think these guys are just Rich Spoiled F’s that bitch and moan because they hate loosing, but how about that Olympics Bid “6th Placers”, they are only talking to you because “The Social Network” is up for an Oscar -Opinion of Tat Wza

Full Interview: Fast Company