According to the United Auto Workers, General Motors will recall another 2,000 of its laid-off workers by September. The UAW told The Detroit News that most of the recalls will affect southern Michigan, where the economic downturn and subsequent cutbacks hit hardest.


While the General hasn’t specified its timeline yet, UAW officials say the workers will be back building cars by September. With laid-off employees back at work, GM will be able to start hiring again, though the company didn’t provide a timeline for new hires.

The recalls show that General Motors is making progress on its road to recovery after several dire years and the death of four of its brands. According to GM brass, they’re starting a third shift of 750 workers at the Flint, Michigan truck plant, 600 for a second shift to build Cadillacs in Lansing, and 1,550 to build small cars in Lake Orion, Michigan.