You may familiarize Shakira with her chart-topping, hip-shaking tunes, but her activism in education reform has led her to a new position with the Obama Administration. More details after the jump!!

Wendy L.

(HP)–The White House announced Tuesday that President Obama intends to appoint the Colombian singer, whose full name is Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll, to the President’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, along with three others.

“I am grateful that these impressive individuals have chosen to dedicate their talents to serving the American people at this important time for our country,” Obama said. “I look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead.”

The Grammy-winning artist founded the Barefoot Foundation in 1995, which helps fund schools in her native Colombia, as well as in South Africa and Haiti. She is also a founding member of Latin America in Solidarity Action and became a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund in 2003.

A longtime Obama supporter, Shakira endorsed him during the 2008 election and performed at Obama’s inauguration. Additionally, she met with both the president and vice president in February 2010 to discuss education and early childhood development.

Next up for the singer? She’ll be honored next month as the 2011 Latin Recording Academy “Person of the Year.”